Success Stories


Transversed Lifetimes

A click on the ‘interested’ button revived a romance we believe has traversed lifetimes.  Two weeks after that click, Juna joined Jerry in Bali for two months of renewing our relationship and commitment.  A whirlwind of activity followed.  Now we live and love together in Ubud, Bali.  

Much Thanks to Spiritual Singles for making it easy to reconnect.  

Jerry and Juna

NOTE: Spiritual Singles is part of the Conscious Dating Network which is comprised of many...

Our Souls Recognized Each Other

Hi there!  

I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for your wonderful site. 

Being new to the whole online dating thing, I figured I would just have a look around. To do my first search, I just plugged in the age range and that I was looking for a male partner, I left the location blank just to see what would come up. (I like to live dangerously) David was actually one of the very first matches that I got!  His profile looked promising, but he lives in Australia and I live in the US.  "What the heck, I can just say...

Great Match and Very Happy

Hi there Jill

Peter and I would love to share our success story. Peter, a member on Green Singles first wrote to me, a member on Spiritual Singles, on 16 April 2015. After chatting for six months via emails he flew me over from South Africa to Vermont for a short visit. Three months later he flew me over to spend Christmas with him. We got married on the 20 September 2016 in Vermont. I was thrilled that Peter flew over my son to join us on our special day. We are a great match and very happy. Thanks so much for combining the two dating sites...

Canning over Cans

Keith and I just wanted to share our success story. 

When I googled how to meet a man with a beard and chickens, Green singles came up.

I was looking for someone who loved the land as much as I do and who was more attracted to my canning than my cans.  I didn't realize your site sent folks an email when you looked at their profile and I kept looking and looking at Keith's pic. After the many emails he got from Green singles indicating my interest. He finally emailed me and the rest, they say, is history.

We spent 4 months...

Still Marvel at how Fun Every Day...


We met on your site 11 years ago. We were married 9 years ago and still going strong!

Your site was the only site I tried and my first try at internet dating. I was feeling very hesitant but it was a site that most matched my philosophy. My husband had tried other sites and they weren't a good fit. We both felt Green Singles made sense. It didn't take long to find each other. We merged two families including 4 children successfully. It's been a great ride, my husband moved an hour away from his home to build a life together. We feel so...

Something Greater Brought Us...

You cannot imagine how reluctant I was about going on dating sites until I found yours. In a moment of inspiration I started to fill in the profile with all honesty and no expectations and it paid off. I had contact within a few members but nothing happened. Or maybe there was someone and I just did not know it yet. Tony contacted me and we started writing. When we met it was amazing how the conversation flowed and how we laughed a lot. Every date was magic and when we went for a picnic surrounded by nature I knew he was the love of my life. Since that day we have been inseparable. After...

Real Spiritual Love Through Each...

Me an Jen met on your site in July 2016 in NYC. We are still dating and found real spiritual love through each other. My account name was Mindzeye and Jen's account name was celeste444.

It's so hard online but somehow through God or spiritual beliefs, we found each other and we would like to thank you and your site. We base our love so much on our zodiac signs. I am an Aquarius and Jen is a Leo. We found this horoscope and it is dead on for us. Hit the nail on the head, so to say!

Not too far after all!

Hi Jill,
I wanted you to know Michael (ptrooper36) and I (earthychick) started corresponding as friends on your site back in March of this year. We were too far apart (location-wise) for me to consider him as a potential love match. However, by mid May we had met in person and have both decided we were going to make this work. I have found the love of my life. Thank you for the platform to make this possible . 

Blessed and Bountiful!


Dominic: I had been on many dating sites and never really finding that connection, or that feeling of really allowing to be vulnerable and 100% my authentic self. After living in Phoenix for 3 years, and going through a very physically challenging time (with a nerve injury that was incapacitating for 3 years), I performed the life of the Phoenix.
As I grew out of the ashes and was ready to spread my wings again, I decided to move back to my hometown to regroup and beat this injury without doctors...

Unlike Anything Before!

Dear Jill,
We are writing to thank and tell you how important we believe your site is for assisting spiritually-oriented people in meeting. My partner, Mark, and I met on your site in the late fall/early winter of 2014.
I had been on the site for a while and had the privilege to meet some wonderful people; however, I was at a point where I was considering taking a break from the site when Mark contacted me. He had been on the site for a matter of hours when he came across my profile. He sent me the most...

Waiting a Lifetime for Each Other

 Hi Jill,
I am thrilled to share another success story with you!  My husband (yes, husband) Chris and I love to tell people we met on a dating site neither one of us signed up for.  He was on Green Singles and I was on Spiritual Singles.  We had both tried the sites several years ago, but found little selection in our area.  Strangely enough, we both decided at about the same time to try the sites again. 

He was the first person to contact me after I renewed my profile. Less than a week...

Life Long Search Over!


Joe and I met on your site and are thrilled to express our gratitude for the part played by your site in bringing us together, the culmination of a lifelong search for a soul mate for us both. We have been together for 9 months now, and we feel we have birthed a new and lasting relationship together. We feel truly blessed and thrilled by every moment that we share, opening us to our Divine purpose in a multitude of ways.

Below is Joe’s latest poem to me. I believe that it speaks volumes.

With Sincere and Everlasting Gratitude,

Texas to Los Angeles


We are writing you to share an experience that may not have been possible without your dating site. We are thankful for the creation of such a platform that enables spiritually like-minded people to connect; people who are looking for something a little deeper than just a nice face and body-they are seeking a Soul Communion.

My name is Bradford, and I am currently residing in Dallas, TX. This amazing woman, named Ana, that I was able to connect with through your site, currently lives in a suburb of Los Angeles, CA. Obviously we are a thousand...

Crazy in Love

To Whom It May Concern:
I joined your site in May of 2012.  Within a couple of weeks I began chatting with another member.  After sharing a few emails we decided to chat over the phone.  Our first phone call was several hours long and we set up a face to face meeting within the week.  It was apparent very quickly that we were really enjoying each others company and made plans for when we would meet again.  After three weeks of dating we became inseperateable...after three months he put his house up for sale as we were always at my place and May 29, 2013 we...

Love Over 50, No Problem!

Dear Jill,
Thank you so much for making this site available with clarity of intentions you have for people to find each other.  I had been a member for a few years and had some nice e-mail exchanges; even a few in-person meetings which didn't amount to anything but were still very enjoyable.  Last November, I received an e-mail from muse9, and the two of us connected on so many levels so quickly that we were both amazed and delighted.  She is everything I could have asked for and so much more. It feels that we have known each other much longer than six months. ...

Love that is TRUE

Wow, I am so overwhelmed with massive Joy and fulfillment! I had been on this site for over a year and didn't really meet anyone I was compatible with and just before all hope was lost, I was contacted by "my heart" Mabel. She invited me into her reality and as we both began communicating with each other, ALL THE RIGHT THINGS HAPPENED. The natural flow of "give and take", the mutual understanding, the endless admiration for each other, all landed perfectly into place.

When you meet the right person for you, everything that is wonderful and pure occurs...

One Love-Long Distance Again!

Hi Jill and Team,

I wish to give thanks and express my appreciation to you your team for providing an awesome Site that Facilitates spiritual people meeting. I had a chance to interact with the Staff who were very helpful and completely friendly and professional. Also Jill, when I inquired about the accuracy of the astrological charts, (which are dead on accurate BTW!) you actually took the time to email me directly explaining in a warm friendly personal manner the selection process of your astrologer and wished me well. Hello!?!?? I am amazed at such caring attention...

Joy and Carefree Essence of...

Hi Jill,

Things are going wonderfully & I'm so grateful for the role you & your site has played.

I've been on your site for almost 4 years & have met so many wonderful people through it. Each relationship has taught me a little more about myself & provided the opportunity to grow ready for conscious love.

Having found my beloved I've recaptured the joy and carefree essence I held as a child which went a little dormant throughout my adult years. Interestingly, just before meeting on your site we both made a...

Upfront about Preferences

Hi Jill, 

I want to congratulate you on running a great website.

I have found a very compatible partner through the site and we've been together for about 1 1/2 years now.

Both of us were very upfront about our preferences and dislikes so were able to both take the first steps and resolve any issues as they have arisen while also maintaining our identities.


Thanks, and good luck to those continuing the search.

Love at 70!

 Hello Jill,
Thank you so much for your well wishes.
I met Mary on your site in September of this year (2014). We talked on the phone for more than an hour every night. the chemistry became very obvious, and Mary decided that we needed to meet in person.
Mary's home is in Connecticut, and I'm in Nevada. She flew into Las Vegas on November 5th, and has been here, with me, for the past 12 wonderful days.
It isn't only companionship, or love making, but a continuous series of little miracles, each awakening us to...